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People's Hospital Generator Engineering

Article Source:YaTong Generator Popularity: Issuing Time:2017-12-22 SmallInBig

Hospital generator engineering caseqNw柴油发电机组租赁,发电机组租赁,东莞发电机出租,江苏发电机组租赁,浙江发电机组出租,静音型发电机组租赁,特种集装箱,定制

First look at a news:qNw柴油发电机组租赁,发电机组租赁,东莞发电机出租,江苏发电机组租赁,浙江发电机组出租,静音型发电机组租赁,特种集装箱,定制

The moment of children born, should have been the happiest moment of their parents. However, when his wife suffered a blackout, a transfer to the hospital and a blackout, Zhang Wei (a pseudonym) who lives in Yingshang County, Anhui Province, was not happy about it. He questioned the Yingshang County Hospital: In the end is not a generator, or a huge hospital without a generator? After investigation, that night there was a generator with the 120 ambulance to rescue the patient, and another accidentally broke down, and that large generator in the operating room, the doctor is rescuing the patient. "qNw柴油发电机组租赁,发电机组租赁,东莞发电机出租,江苏发电机组租赁,浙江发电机组出租,静音型发电机组租赁,特种集装箱,定制

From this news we can know the importance of the generator to the hospital in case of emergency. By the way, let's share our previous case of generator engineering for the hospital here. People's Hospital at that time to install two 200KW generator, the Division convened technical staff meeting on the project made the following plan:qNw柴油发电机组租赁,发电机组租赁,东莞发电机出租,江苏发电机组租赁,浙江发电机组出租,静音型发电机组租赁,特种集装箱,定制

Generator must have the following conditions:
1, working conditions
Unit under the following conditions can work reliably, the output power, and can work continuously for 24 hours at rated power output (including 10% overload every 12 hours for 1 hour); Altitude not exceeding 1000 meters; ambient temperature lower limit -15 C °, the upper limit of 40 C °, optional other environmental units.
2, the working noise is low
Its ultra-low noise ensures safe and comfortable hospital doctors in a quiet enough environment, especially to ensure that the operating room can be quietly operated and that the patient can have a restful and restorative environment.
3, the main and necessary protection device
Unit start mode selection for automatic start mode. The unit must have AMF (Automatic Mains Failure) function, equipped with ATS, to achieve full automatic start. When the utility power is off, the starting time delay <20 seconds (adjustable), the unit can be automatically started (a total of three consecutive automatic start function), mains / units all negative switching time <20 seconds, fully meet the time required to load Less than 30 seconds, after the city electricity resumes, the unit maintains 0-300 seconds after the operation is cooled down (adjustable) to shut down automatically.
4, stable performance, high reliability
The average fault interval of the unit is not less than 1000 hours;
Technical performance, the unit's no-load voltage setting range of 95-105% of the rated voltage.
Stable and reliable generator set featuring low noise design and AMF-capable PLC-5220 control system. By connecting to the ATS, the hospital must be able to provide power immediately when the mains power fails. Stable, low noise, engine power in line with European and American emission standards, as well as AMF features and ATS equipment to meet the hospital's special requirements. Equipped with RS232 or RS485 / 422 communication interface, to achieve with the computer connection, remote monitoring, remote control, remote signaling and telemetry, be fully automatic, unattended.
A full range of products, programs to provide, reduce user mastery of product technology requirements, so that the use of units and maintenance easier;
AMF control system with features that can be automatically activated, and a number of monitoring under the automatic shutdown and alarm functions;
Optional ATS, a small unit can be used unit built-in ATS;
Low noise power generation, noise level below 30KVA is below 7m 60dB (A)
Stable performance, the average unit failure interval of not less than 2000 hours;
Unit size is small, optional some devices to achieve cold areas and high temperature operating requirements;
The special needs of some customers can be customized design and development.
In addition, our company also signed an agreement with the People's Hospital, sent regular inspections and maintenance of generators to take preventive measures to ensure adequate hospital supply of electricity.

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